The Native Treasures Art Market is taking place Memorial Day weekend (Saturday, May 27- Sunday, May 28, 2023) at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. The annual event features over 150 Native American artists selling their handcrafted work. Participating artists keep 100% of their sales from the market and 100% of the event proceeds benefit the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture’s exhibitions, educational programming, and acquisition funds.
Volunteers needed! If you, your friends, customers or employees can volunteer, it would be greatly appreciated—and it will be a lot of fun. Interested volunteers please register here: https://www.cognitoforms.com/MuseumOfIndianArtsAndCulture1/_2023NativeTreasuresVolunteerShifts
Open shifts can be viewed by clicking on Page 3 of the form. Volunteers receive a tote bag, a Night Market Ticket, a pair of weekend tickets, a shift meal, and passes to the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture.
IMAGE: Courtesy/MIAC